Upcoming Season!! Manifest Your Dream Relationship
July 12, 2020

Does Everything Happen for a Reason? | Episode 241

Does Everything Happen for a Reason? | Episode 241

Does everything happen for a reason or do we have total control over our destiny? In this episode, Cassie Parks and Ginny Gane use a recent experience of Ginny's to discuss what we actually have control over in our lives. There is a really important...

Does everything happen for a reason or do we have total control over our destiny? In this episode, Cassie Parks and Ginny Gane use a recent experience of Ginny's to discuss what we actually have control over in our lives.

There is a really important personal clarity for you to know in your life, that the girls talk about here, which will have a massive effect on your manifesting outcomes!

Cassie and Ginny discuss if there are good things and bad things that happen in our world, or is it all just neutral?

Tune in to learn how your perspective is everything when using the Law of Attraction (LOA) to create your dream life.